Violence – Protest – Inequality from an Ethical Perspective

hg. von

  • Einordnung von Gewalt als Ausdruck politischen Protests
  • Analyse-Instrument für Entscheidungsträger
  • Zusammenhang von wachsender Ungleichheit und politischem Protest
ca. 55,00 €
Erscheint im Dezember 2024
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Violence is perceived and practiced as a legitimate expression of dissatisfaction in different countries worldwide. The contibutors aim for a reflection from an ethical perspective of the current global phenomenon in different countries of violence as a form of articulating political protest and because of growing inequality.
The terms violence, protest and inequality should be related from an ethical point of view across the boundaries of academic disciplines, states, cultures, traditions, religions and worldviews. In addition, the reasons for this phenomenon should be asked and answers sought from an ethical point of view. The differentiation between demonstrations as part of a democratic opinion-forming and decision-making process and the risk of their instrumentalization by violent groups for their own purposes is also considered. Finally, from an ethical point of view, there is also the question of the potential, the impact and the contribution of democratic participation possibilities for peaceful coexistence in a society.

Edition NZN bei TVZ
Religionsrechtliche Studien, Band 5
, 300 Seiten, 15.0 x 22.5 cm, Hardcover
ISBN 978-3-290-20201-9
ca. 55,00 €

Peter G. Kirchschläger, Dr. theol., lic. phil., Jahrgang 1977, ist Ordinarius für Theologische Ethik und Leiter des Instituts für Sozialethik ISE an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Luzern.

Religionsrechtliche Studien

In den Religionsrechtlichen Studien werden – ausgehend von der Würde der menschlichen Person und den daraus sich ergebenden Rechten der Person – Religionsgemeinschaften und andere nichtstaatliche Akteure menschenrechtlich buchstabiert.

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